The template I often use for writing technical documentation
Lucian (Luận Nguyễn)

Lucian (Luận Nguyễn)

Dec 19, 2023

The template I often use for writing technical documentation

Hi guys,

In my experience, writing a technical document is an essential first step whenever I implement a new feature or optimization. It helps to ensure clarity, organization, and effective communication throughout the development process.

In this article, I am excited to share with you a valuable template that I frequently use for writing technical documents (TD). Let's dive in and explore this helpful resource together.

Why should you write technical documentation?

As you know, Technical documentation (TD) is incredibly beneficial and plays a vital role in the development process. It improves communication, supports users, and enhances collaboration within development teams.

By documenting technical information, you ensure that knowledge is effectively shared and accessible to all relevant parties.

It is essential to prepare the TD as soon as possible to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow.

A Cool Template Technical Document

There is no one-size-fits-all best template, it will depend on the type of technical documentation you want to write. I will introduce you to a template that I often use for writing technical documentation

Cool! Let's collaborate on writing a technical document for Reminder Bot. The reminder bot functions by sending messages through a webhook.

We'll work together to outline all the necessary details and specifications. Let's get started.

The full technical documentation will be provided at the end of this post.

1. Overview Section:

The Section Overview is a crucial component of a technical document as it provides a concise summary of the feature, optimization, or improvement being discussed. It is important to keep this section brief yet informative, highlighting the key aspects of the topic at hand.

Additionally, including relevant attachments such as PSD files or Jira tasks can provide further context and support for the documentation. By incorporating these elements, the technical document becomes more comprehensive and accessible to the intended audience.


2. Architecture Component Section:

In the scope architecture component, it is essential to describe the system through visualizations. By providing clear and intuitive diagrams, readers can easily grasp the overall scope and structure of the system being discussed.

Visual representations such as architecture diagrams, flowcharts, or system maps help readers visualize the various components, their relationships, and how they interact with each other.


3. Usecases and Diagrams Section:

Including use cases and diagrams in technical documentation helps to provide a comprehensive understanding of the system's functionality, behavior, and structure.

These visual representations aid in communicating complex concepts and relationships, making it easier for readers to grasp the system's scope and how different components interact with each other.


4. Database Schema Section:

The Database Schema section in technical documentation provides a description of the structure and organization of a database. It includes details such as table names, fields, data types, and the relationships between entities.

The database schema serves as a blueprint for the database and is created through the process of data modeling


5. API Specfication Section:

The API Specification section in technical documentation provides a detailed description of an application programming interface (API). It outlines the functionalities, endpoints, request and response formats, authentication methods, and other relevant details related to the API.

By documenting the API specification, developers can effectively communicate the capabilities and usage guidelines of their APIs to other developers, enabling seamless integration and collaboration.


6. Deployment Section:

This part provides information and instructions on how to deploy or install a software application or system. It outlines the steps and requirements for setting up the software in a production or operational environment.

By providing clear and concise instructions in the deployment section, technical documentation enables users to deploy the software efficiently and start using it as intended.



As mentioned earlier, there is no universally best template for writing technical documentation. However, it is important to find a suitable template that suits your specific context and needs.

Technical documentation (TD) is extremely beneficial, as it allows you to outline your objectives and plan before diving into coding.

I hope it will be helpful to you.
Thanks for caring

You can refer to more here: Sample-Reminder-Bot-Technical-Documentation

Lucian (Luận Nguyễn)

Lucian (Luận Nguyễn)

Software Engineer

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